Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: Hobbys. All the plates of the tuning capacitor were bent and it had to be replaced. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: WS 19 set This transceiver from WWII is aquired at a Hamfest in Rosmalen. Introduction. gewoon even mailtje en dan kom je in de loglijst . xmlUŽÁ Â0 D %ìUÚèMBSAг û kºÁt74©èß[DªÞæðæÍT»Ç Ô Æä…-lÊ5(b'çÞBs. PA5HE Homebrew projects PA5HE I have put some homebrew electronic projects on the internet. PA5HE. TK5EP. 00 About RX Loop antenna The resource is currently listed in dxzone. 3 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Name /Im1 /Width 1225 /Height 1662 /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceCMYK /Length 752887 /Filter. Stream episode Engels 200 Years On by Proletarian Radio podcast | Listen online for free on SoundCloud. Biography. Website van PA5HE. The receiver is made for the 2 meter amateurband. sgml : 20130205 20130205060333 accession number: 0001144204-13-005937 conformed submission type: 8-k public document count: 6 conformed period of report: 20130204 item information: material modifications to rights of security holders item information: amendments to. txt : 20170425 0001683168-17-001006. Squaring the Circle (the story of hipgnosis) 11/24/2023. This IC does not perform very well also in the original design at 27MHz and causes a lot of spurious. com. 3 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj /Type /XObject /Subtype /Image /Name /Im1 /Width 1225 /Height 1662 /BitsPerComponent 8 /ColorSpace /DeviceCMYK /Length 752887 /Filter. Every detail listed below is available for this callsign. PA5HE G1 G2 G3 G4 LOCK X16 C19 47n R18 47k E 1 B 2 C 3 TS3 2SA733 R17 47k C18 47n GND VCO_RF VCO_DC +9V MID HIGH TX +5V X11 X12 X13 X14 X15 X10 X9 X8 X7 X6 X5 X1 X4 X3 X2 +5V +5V + C17 100uf C8 47n +5V + C9 47u C13 1n R15 10k R14 18k C15 330n C12 47n C14 1n C16 10n C10 10n C11 2. Dit project is nu in aanbouw met het oog op de vrijgave van deze band. 652 sdus41 krnk 082205 rcmfcx jhë :Ä ’ : ÿÿ ÿþÆn •j r >hë 6–hë 8Ñ1234 robuu 0534 /nexraa 0534 0802212205 unedited /mdclar /sc0510 /ni0034: loa1,llk1. The latest Tweets from superhumanhere (@diancuyy). Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Radiobell This radio was bought at a fair for old radios in Hoenderloo, which is organized by the electriciteitsmuseum There was not much going on with this radio, although it took quite a bit of work afterwards. Website van PA5HE. Robot Kinematics and linkage configurations 2 cmput 412 M. xml ¢ ( Ì]ÛrÛF }ïLÿA£×ŽE®îêØÎC/O½d&É ° m«•HŽH'ñß—Z‘ èYj— àåK %4q `±KåöÃ÷ãaô5>åû4¹ «I8 ÅÉ6Ýí“Ç»ñ—Ͽ߬ǣ¼ˆ’]tH“ønü çã ÷?þpûù%‹óQùÓI~7~*Šìç È·Oñ1Ê'i '忤§cT” O A mÿ‹ ã` †Ë`›&Eœ 7Åù ãûÛ¿K§ý. Aircraft Scatter Sharp is a windows application to calculate and assist airscatter operations. V. ibrendcompressioncompression dataWindowbox2i 7 displayWindowbox2i 7 lineOrderlineOrder pixelAspectRatiofloat. PA5HE Netherlands. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2320. First , the PCB must be of the type PTBM117AoX . %PDF-1. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ & ° þÿÿÿ‡ ˆ ‰ Š ‹ Œ Ž ‘ ’ “ ” • – — ˜ ™ š › œ ž Ÿ ¡ ¢ £ ¤ ¥ ¦ § ¨ © ª « ¬ ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿID3 TCON PreachingTRCK 1TALB CGCTYER 2017TDRC 2017TIT2&She Didn't Know I Would Need A SaviorTPE1 Christina Nakielskiÿû ÄXing ®ŠØD $&)+-0368;=?BEHJLOQSWY^`bfhjmoqtwy|~ ƒ…‰‹Ž ’”˜š Ÿ¡¤¦ª¬®±³¶¸¼¾ÀÃÅÈËÎÐÒÕ×ÙÝàâåçêìðóõøúý LAME3. Website van PA5HE. Quick Summary . Palaeoecology and Human Evolution (International Union for Quaternary Research) PAHE. to QRZ. Pictures, Manuals and Specifications of the Superstar CB. 2n R16 180 C7 10n R6 1k D1 1N4148. cssZéSÛº ÿÎ_á¹™7´ œ8N ¦LC – Z¶¶ï~PlÙ Ø–k; ÷ñ¿?I–w9qhˤ‰¥³h9ç. Online Status. Latest version: 3. com in a single category. Website van PA5HE. internal> Subject: Exported From Confluence MIME. Tangent DAB 2go Portable DAB/FM Table Radio - ecoustics. xmlUT Ë‘ dË‘ dË‘ dµ”ËNÃ0 E÷|Eäm•¸°@ 5í‚Ç *Q>Àµ'©Á/Ùîëï ÷ ¡*$Ri—ñ̽çÚÎx4Ùh•À iMIn. 287. Transmitter of the Electronica SS701 6METER (50MHz) One of the hardest parts of the conversion of this transceiver was the conversion of the poweramplifier. The transceiver is also sold as Intek DXS4000 or STAG 357. • The diagram of a powersupply intended for a WS19 transceiver or a BC312 transceiver. ID3 'vTIT2U ÿþNon Stop Devi Bhajans Song-(Fun2Desi. PK t¼BâDY;D D ESP_031805_1545. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Historical radio page. 6 %âãÏÓ 250 0 obj > endobj xref 250 7 0000000016 00000 n 0000000686 00000 n 0000000790 00000 n 0000001000 00000 n 0000001148 00000 n 0000003365 00000 n 0000000436 00000 n trailer ]>> startxref 0 %%EOF 256 0 obj >stream xÚb```a``’a``àÒÝŠʀ 6 GÓ_«Ý÷ýÎ÷Eý™(¾P6ýmà» xÍw8 Î ùñ «y£9+ £ çñYRâ·“äþv Ù– å}Ŷé ù:‘ÜÁ Å S€nbüd. òÓ&…S¤Äè$4AÀÀ9²Þ> )“d&Õ ÷±» åéÖkö‰>tÖTPd904ÒÖ i+x;?¯wp:®Ê»Ç—‡óûë SÔë¸O…Å«&T ˆÜ óa ²a›Yßòb¿ßó[b`† è®—?dW»fb7y~Ï TQÔÇ ce $˜T ¤ ®ÔÄ Œÿ´Œè±‚ zAÖ “Ö šÈ:aj+¿aêHã±î¦ i Ûužç›]ÉçNbtg>˜G]A QcPˆ ŒF oÄe À”Çæ7. 047 040 neo 049 041 neo 049 049 3. Packet radio Radio collection Homebrew electronics Walking. Een eental pagina's is incompleet doordat Ziggo de servers met homepages. Website van PA5HE. Website van PA5HE. d8:announce37:. xml ¢ ( ´”ËjÃ0 E÷…þƒÑ¶ØJº(¥ÄÉ¢ e hú Š4vDõBR^ ßQœ˜ ’ òØ ¬™{ï ÙÌ`´Ò*[€ Òš’ô‹ ÉÀp. 0 PD5CW CQ UBA 1127 31 Jan Netherlands PE1NCS 28490. More data about this board you can find here This board is unable re receive the L-band. Back to Instruments. Log In. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Channel layout 80Channel transceiver on 70MHz This Cybernet transceiver with PTBM059C0X pcb has 80 channels but actually it is 2 x 40. %PDF-1. png‰PNG IHDR`` â˜w89JIDATxœí½w”]Wy÷ÿÙ§Ý:·Lï. Se le cambió el PLL, la pantalla y el mando de cambio de canales reemplazándolos por un Arduino con DDS y PLL y. SIMPLE = T / conforms to FITS standard BITPIX = 8 / array data type NAXIS = 0 / number of array dimensions EXTEND = T CHECKSUM= 'C8gIE5Z9C5fGC5Z9' / HDU checksum updated 2023-10-0SIMPLE = T / file does conform to FITS standard BITPIX = 16 / number of bits per data pixel NAXIS = 0 / number of data axes EXTEND = T / FITS dataset may contain extensions COMMENWebsite van PA5HE. Dit concept is bedacht en ontworpen door PA5HE, Henk van den Enden. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Pye PYE P93W/U Radio which I bought at the radio fair in Rosmalen. A. Log In. Once a month, unlimited or with the whole family? Thanks to the various bundles and extras, there is always a subscription that suits you! EXPLORE THE SUBSCRIPTIONS. PK !¼Ò| ³ ® [Content_Types]. Alihankkijana huolehdimme puolestasi monista pienistä yksityiskohdista--PA5HE. The transmitter in AM modulated with a sirene of alarm signals or by morse code from a PIC processor. Website van PA5HE. revista letrare shqiptare | ARS | albanian literary reviewPK !„?–¯ ` [Content_Types]. Register for free access, and submit your photo and biography to complete your listing!PK -QLVoa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK -QLV META-INF/container. xml ¢ ( ´•ËnÂ0 E÷•ú ‘·Ub袪* ‹>–m¥Ò 0ñ ¬Æ Ù. 12:30 uur op. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: TRF receiver from Spain This receiver appears to be of Spanish origin. HÀèìb ቸ ˜òxüMd. 6044VT Roermond, LB. xml ¢ ( ´•ËnÂ0 E÷•ú ‘·Ub袪* ‹>–m¥Ò 0ñ ¬Æ Ù. The graphical spectrum, text lines, signal strength indicator, code status panels, WPM counters, and other features make it easy to interpret the data. Hier informatie, tips, hulp en resultaten van omgebouwde 27MHz transceiver met de DDS-VFO. 4m-HAM radio choices - Transceivers. I wanted to use a couple of old valves and for the oscillator a modern DDS synthesizer. VRZA Ledenservice te Rijen. 8MHz to 59. 6 %âãÏÓ 352 0 obj >stream xÚtV[sÚ8 þ+çq÷¡ƒu1 ¦Ó – – ˜„4Ó}Sl jŒÄÈ6)ýõ{d 9¦ö“lqôéè» Ç !–À‡ â(€G} c Ç1. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Hobbys. PK ³{dS t€G Á title_page. They take over the tasks of the old PLL. Equipo CB transformado en equipo de 50 mhz. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Inbouw PCB for CB-transceiver V3. Todos los circuitos internos sintonizados a 27 Mhz son resintonizados a 50 mhz cambiando el rebobinado de las bobinas y. Website van PA5HE. com De zendamateurs kunnen inmelden via… PA5HE. Email: Login required to view. Make shure there is a good groundconnection around the PA and the driver. 2 On this PCB are an Arduino pro mini , a PLL and a DDS. Login is required for additional detail. bzûœ&Î +Dœg3× O‡ea ÅÙræþ|ø2ºq !i Ñ$ÏØÌÝ0áÞÎ_¿š>l8 Žê ‰™»’’ D„+–R1Î9ËÔ™E^¤Tªf±$œ† è’ 2¹"ažI–É‘,m¸óé'¶ ëD:ŸŸÕá Ï–®ó±þ]éjæÆiÙ¿ Áˆ¬Ójý9O0GÖ©µþl'˜#ëôZ ž Ì‘uŠ?à æÈ. Mar 14 2023, 20:13 UTC HamCall™ Query Results: NZ5G:1995 -> This callsign has never been looked up. Find this and other hardware projects on Hackster. Website van PA5HE. Uitgangspunt is een 2 meter transceiver en een elektuur 50MHz transverter. PA5HE Homebrew projects PA5HE I have put some homebrew electronic projects on the internet. @}` 8¡€¾]×þ pÇM« º÷ )qb’ñÅ&‚°¨Ï›Õ×Gª`qåÉ Ü´„ }ƒŸëh„Ru Ç'™ß'Tmÿ¢IÙ> ö»Îõ–˜Ê ©Íµ6r ¸æ}`éƒx ª‰„QNÑYó[2n Q& )Ýå¢F1-S´Øa’ŸŽ–Êó¯. com. Saved searches. Hobbys. Definition of pishe in the Definitions. 70MHz 1e keer de soldeerbout aan in 2015 (Soldeerstartion VELLEMAN LF2000 is trouwens in 12sec op temperatuur 100W regelbaar. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2315World's largest callsign database! Contains over 2. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: TRF receiver from Spain This receiver appears to be of Spanish origin. Homemade 4 meter transverter project. Morse key and buzzer project for. Date: Sun, 15 Oct 2023 15:42:14 +0100 (BST) Message-ID: 1916966357. It is also confirmed by the texts on the transformers and on the inside of the capacitor box. 67845800000001 / longitude of antenna 1. The PCB version 3. PK »•Jl VJm?ü ch001. TK5EP. PK h{³TJíÐ2 ½ title_page. xhtmlUT æ ®æ ®ux ! !ÌÉr Iz¾÷S¤á ƒœÀ ’"ÅeLµZÝ=Ó[´Ô3n;|HT%€ ÖÖ•U¡Ó ûl ~ úæû„žÄßÿgf¡ Y´Å ë. Hambrew Links. Login is required for additional detail. Meaning of pishe. The 0. 7 %âãÏÓ 5980 0 obj > endobj 6005 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[487E64511CA97A48977988BEF02F35CE>00F4DF311D9774468FE3FB0E8EFF181B>]/Index[5980 232]/Info. This link is listed in our web site directory since Saturday Jan 7 2023, and till today " 70MHz transverter " has been followed for a total of 3 times. KA8UXR Changed to N8HRO Look up N8HRO Please note: The person currently holding the cross referenced callsign may not necessarily be the same person that held KA8UXR. 4METER (70MHz)transverter door PA5HE. All groups and messages. %PDF-1. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: PCB for CB-transceiver This PCB can be used to convert the PLL of an old CB transceiver to another band. Refresh. ,fnpeMH 4. Street address available to members. 6 %âãÏÓ 441 0 obj > endobj 447 0 obj >/Filter/FlateDecode/ID[14E9858EE96B434D95CE5A0C3BAC9FF3>95B5230BD8C08046A66D4542F7F217E4>]/Index[441 8 505 1]/Info. ¿ï˜@T¡@ªB6‘’™{d &k]%+ðAY“³a6` ˜ÂJeæ9ûœ¾¤÷, (Œ •5 ³ 6 __ ¦ !!µ 9[ º ÎC±-Bf ª”Ök ôêç܉âKÌ ß w¼° Á`ŠÑƒ GOPŠe…Éóš>×$ÎÌYòX÷Ũœ) õñ;oU€. hdr. The main. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: Fox hunt transmitter for the 2 meter amateurband This is a foxhunttransmitter for the 2 meter band. Converter voor de 50MHz amateur band door PA5HE Deze converter heb ik gebouwd voor iemand die wel een HF ontvanger heeft, maar zonder 6 meter amateurband. xml ¢ ( Ä–MOÂ@ †ï&þ‡f¯†. Ontvangers • Een eenvoudige kristalontvanger die iedereen die met electronica geknutseld heeft wel eens gebouwd heeft. PCB to be built in a transceiver with PTBM117AOX or PTBM059AOX main board. tevens wil ik de luisteramateurs verzoeken dit ook daadwerkelijk tedoen en niet via via . sgml : 20210330 20210330164106 ACCESSION NUMBER: 0001839882-21-005028 CONFORMED SUBMISSION TYPE: FWP PUBLIC DOCUMENT CThe notes do not pay interest or dividends and do not guarantee any return of your investment. Email: Login required to view. Hier informatie, tips, hulp en resultaten van omgebouwde 27MHz transceiver met de DDS-VFO. Website van PA5HE. 0 PDRar! Ï s ²At €6Ó„ —o ‹xÒ¬$h6 5 Paris Hilton. PA5HE. Category : Antennas/Receiving By PA5HE Hits: 56 | Votes: 0 | Rating: 0. txtGenshin Impact ChibiPK !É 3Ń9ƒ9 tray. fãð×Ã×ÁU hÃEÆ )` ®@‡·“·oF + :°ÖB ù1ê†1 Ρä:’ „í™ÊªäÆ6« SýËgÀ’áð‚¥R f`j ádô ¦|Q˜àË£½Ü’(1 ƒOí¸:Ô8ÌËÚ¾¾ÎvZüQ°Û¤éØmSA¡_Øp¥ŠåÆö³¥È^Ìe°žGd-›1zž. %PDF-1. Overname van augustus en op feestdagen) tussen 10:00 en plm. Offline. Call: Advanced PA5HE (JO21DM) In order to view this information you must be logged in. PA5HE. The resource is currently listed in dxzone. Offline. The result is more RF and a better suppression of the input. PK ®FHVoa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK ®FHV META-INF/container. A. xml ¢ ( ̙ێÚ0 †ï+õ ¢ÜV`ضÛm ¬ª ¤J=¬´Û p“ Ü&¶e vyûŽ !!‚&`[é ÂIfæó$Ìüd&·Oy Ai&ø4 Gq )ã‹iüóáóà&Ž´¡¥™à0 7 ãÛÙóg“‡ ¡5×ÓxiŒ|GˆN– S= 8ž™ •SƒKµ ’& è ÈÕhtM Á p30ÖG›|„9]e&úô„‡·$’/âèÃö: j ³ÜÚÛãä¨Åo ÇMŠ Çm dº †J™±„ Ì Yó´±—Án C´,®ÑK&õ Üì *{æp õ. 4m-HAM radio choices -Transmitters. ëdås’EvÎ"+ï’¥öù ú%ùîê MA iŽç. Conversion of a Major M-588 to 4METER (70MHz) The Major M588 has got an upgrade in the form of an OLED display and a DDS. ¿ï˜@T¡@ªB6‘’™{d &k]%+ðAY“³a6` ˜ÂJeæ9ûœ¾¤÷, (Œ •5 ³ 6 __ ¦ !!µ 9[ º ÎC±-Bf ª”Ök ôêç܉âKÌ ß w¼° Á`ŠÑƒ GOPŠe…Éóš>×$ÎÌYòX÷Ũœ) õñ;oU€. Täydet Wi-Fi ratkaisut. Website van PA5HE. net dictionary. 4921789 t. /* Display for CB transceiver Arduino mini and SSD1606 Display * Pins used : * Display D0=4 D1=5 Reset =6 DC=7 * Encoder pin 2 , pin3 , Switch =A0 * PLL 10 , 11 , 12 */ #include #include #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_SPI #include #endif #ifdef U8X8_HAVE_HW_I2C #include #endif #define pulseLow(pin) {digitalWrite(pin, LOW); digitalWrite(pin, HIGH); } int. xml ¢ ( ¬TÉnÂ0 ½Wê?D¾V‰C UU 8t9¶HÐ 0ñ@, Ûò þ¾ ³¨ªX Á%QlÏ[&óÜ ®›:YA@ãl!zY. PA5HE. PA5HE. Aantal Refdes description Value remark; 1 : C12: cercap 0603 NP0: 1pf : 6 : C3,C8,C14,C16,C22,C24 %PDF-1. Website van PA5HE. %PDF-1. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: Transmitter of the Electronica SS701 6METER (50MHz) One of the hardest parts of the conversion of this transceiver was the conversion of the poweramplifier. or PK !œ Ô ú [Content_Types]. PK “qKVoa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK “qKV META-INF/container. Šbã íA [Content_Types]. 2 CQ-PA april 2022. Aantal Refdes description Value remark; 1 : C12: cercap 0603 NP0: 1pf : 6 : C3,C8,C14,C16,C22,C24%PDF-1. Dit concept is bedacht en ontworpen door PA5HE, Henk van den Enden. xml ¢ ( Ä›ÉnÛ0 E÷ ú †¶…-kv‹8YtXu ô X™vÔh DÆ ÿ¾”l§j ‡fx . A. sgml : 20161101 20161101060150 accession number: 0001144204-16-130683 conformed submission type: def 14a public document count: 21 conformed period of report: 20161213 filed as of date: 20161101 date as of change: 20161101 effectiveness date: 20161101 filer: company data:. xml ¢ ( ´•ËnÂ0 E÷•ú ‘·Ub袪* ‹>–m¥Ò 0ñ ¬Æ Ù. PK w1ùVoa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK w1ùV Ø‚&¥÷ META-INF/container. Bekijk meer ideeën over elektrotechniek, elektrische bedrading, amateurradio. 0 PD5CW CQ UBA 1257 31 Jan Netherlands PE1NCS 28490. òÓ&…S¤Äè$4AÀÀ9²Þ>`)“d&ÕÁíÇî Õñ:hö‰>ôÖÔPd904Ò6½éjx;=¯wp. Remove; In this conversationis an example page. You can find all our currently playing movies and more on our website. It is a radio of the brand PYE type P93W/U. Com)TPE1© ÿþLakhbir Singh Lakkha, Suresh Wadkar, Anuradha Paudwal, Hariharan, Narendra ChanchalTALB. Voor iets van 5 tientjes je eigen 70 Mhz zender bouwen. This IC does not perform very well also in the original design at 27MHz and causes a lot of spurious. They take over the tasks of the old PLL. Logbook for EA1HXY/P (last 300 entries). ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ +) , þÿÿÿü ý þ ÿ ! " # $ + * ÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿÿWebsite van PA5HE. nl PA5HE Website van PA5HE. 4 %âãÏÓ 600 0 obj > endobj xref 600 31 0000000016 00000 n 0000001802 00000 n 0000001973 00000 n 0000002308 00000 n 0000002869 00000 n 0000003219 00000 n 0000003471 00000 n 0000004100 00000 n 0000006304 00000 n 0000006841 00000 n 0000007099 00000 n 0000007667 00000 n 0000007781 00000 n 0000039098 00000 n. Website van PA5HE. The transmitter in AM modulated with a sirene of alarm signals or by morse code from a PIC processor. Website van PA5HE. 2 On this PCB are an Arduino pro mini , a PLL and a DDS. There is also a noise peak about 50dB below the carrier. All the plates of the tuning capacitor were bent and it had to be replaced. The Netherlands. xhtmlUT hOUdhOUdux ! !m ?OÃ0 Å÷~ŠãöÆI+ ©’vàÏ C ]çšD8¶e_Iûí±› @b:ûÞÏï ¯Ú ŸäCoM E–# Q¶éM[ãÛþyy »í¢ºy|yØ¿¿>AǃŽ÷T >5¡ÆŽÙm„ Ç1 ×™õ(ʲ çÄà mÈ È¾qÇ+»Êó;a]ÀäJ²Ù. 0 Id: 1/1 Title: CTCSS_DDS File: CTCSS_DDS. The new PLL ic has 2 RF inputs, one for 0. ) associazioni e club s. jota 1997 jota 1998 jota 1999 jota 2000 jota 2001 jota 2002 jota 2003 jota 2004 jota 2005 jota 2006 jota 2007 jota 2008 jota 2009 jota 2010 jota 2011 jota 2012 jota 2013 jota. Convertion of Electronica SS701 6METER (50MHz) Picture of the converted transceiver:PK !É ±˜ “ [Content_Types]. . PK !â ½À [Content_Types]. Acronym. Mar 14 2023, 20:12 UTC HamCall™ Query Results: W6DZN -> Last accessed: 01 Mar 2017 Lookup count: 16 Add to Friends List : CQ Zone: 3, 4, 5 ITU Zone: 6, 7, 8 ARRL Pacific Division, San Francisco Section Continent: North America Country of. 22-dec-2022 - Bekijk het bord "Bouw-cb-Antenne-Henny" van Hoornenborg op Pinterest. Edit or Download this pixel art online. 5û6¶ø õ°ÁLä üó ¹ ~uð 4 Ÿ }ïØ NPòKžÂ ²° FÈSK0:[Õº› "§#ÌDòü«PÂ5hé mLÛg—JÌÙQ 9Å /z€¤} 35¤l1ÿ úpŸ‡fЦ£÷ð[ã–BÂÉà_7K¢tmKºU/¬ jQ%Ë¥Þ”«‹ n±ðÖªý XNw µÛ+çÆ‹Ô+¬,ÂúÂLó‘™D{kÂçŽi–?¦ Ÿ 0¯b q÷ Zû3¯…^å*Ñãù7Ƙ íp6…X² O0Úl½ØwD¹› Â3 ˜'3ï=é Ö3ƒ¦)ÍúÄÎb `Ž®|vFäˆ ˆ1“@¤^˜`· 6Æ. Dutch radios: Militairy equipment: DAB radio (Digital Audio Broadcast)Officieel orgaan van de Vereniging van Radio Zendamateurs Jaargang 63 - Nr: 11 november 2014 CQ-PA blz. 3 %âãÏÓ 1 0 obj /Kids [2 0 R 3 0 R 4 0 R 5 0 R 6 0 R 7 0 R 8 0 R 9 0 R] /Count 8 /Type /Pages >> endobj 10 0 obj /Pages 1 0 R /Type /Catalog >> endobj 2 0 obj /CropBox [0 0 573 810] /Rotate 0 /Parent 1 0 R /MediaBox [0 0 573 810] /Resources /XObject /Im1 11 0 R >> /ProcSet [/PDF /ImageI /ImageC] >> /Type /Page /Contents 12 0 R >> endobj 3 0 obj. 0. Al vele CB's zijn succesvol omgebouwd. orPK !œ Ô ú [Content_Types]. Icom Announce ID-50 Compact Digital Dual BanderSelf-build DDS-VFO based on the idea of PA5HE. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Converted CB transceiver --> 10-METER (28MHz) This CB-transceiver based on the Cybernet PTBM117AoX is converted to the 10 meter amateurband (28MHz). l† Î8Or V¤Ü ptRúh Òeœò 䳘 öû'\z‡à°‡ ƒ G—PŠ¹Áìê ¾®M"˜Ä²‹º°Ê*˜ Áh) Îù‹SŸRz«„œ:—5i¦C:¢ Æ7&T'ß ¬úni4Q+ÈîDÄ a©Š¿ú¨¸òrn©3ÿ ³ÁÓ. National Safety Council - Save lives, from the workplace to anyplace. ov, schwelm,amateurfunker, funker, lizenz, urkunde, transceiver, funkgerät, packet radio, radio, cw, morsen, lizenz, kurzwelle, ukw, rundfunk, hellbeck. Website van PA5HE. The HamCall database has been in. There is also a noise peak about 50dB below the carrier. PK G$èToa«, mimetypeapplication/epub+zipPK G$èTò2[©¯û META-INF/container. There was no meter in it and the final tube 807 was missing, but. xmlUŽÁ Â0 D %ìUÚèMBSAг û kºÁt74©èß[DªÞæðæÍT»Ç Ô Æä…-lÊ5(b. Login is required for additional detail. 4m-HAM radio choices -Transmitters. Website van PA5HE. . QSL info: About me ; Details ; Map ; Spots ; Log ; Statistics ; Propagation to PA5HE Search the callbook. It is also confirmed by the texts on the transformers and on the inside of the capacitor box. Hvde. There are several connectors on the board: - X1 connection to a Display - X2 connection to a rotary encoder22-dec-2022 - Bekijk het bord "Bouw-cb-Antenne-Henny" van Hoornenborg op Pinterest. Packet radio Radio collection Homebrew electronics Walking. Website van PA5HE. um genio para essa serie de mod pra plls e substituirlos. PK !{4áÈ author. org はピンクゴ Panasonic by チェリー |パナソニックならラクマ - 専用ですの通販 ブランド はピンクゴ 専用です ブランド pA5hE-422415123 ng6ZTxGT 専用です チェリー |パナソニックならラ. Discover the ultimate resource for Soap2Day – your one-stop destination for free, easy, and fast information! Start exploring now. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday picturesPK ý{ T*)|I ¹ title_page. Website van PA5HE. 17 M. There was no meter in it and the final tube 807 was missing, but. Dit concept is bedacht en ontworpen door PA5HE, Henk van den Enden. qo-100(es'hail-2) geostationary sat 26 est. cssÍ[ëSÜ8 ÿž¿Âµ[Wl á n•‹©Pì kÁvÄáLHt $ ¥HSEð° Ùy Gµ€‡¢âYg• ÚŠ¬. Packet radio Radio collectie Electronica zelfbouw Wandelen. Ham Member Lookups: 3444 : Biography; Detail; Logbook; Log a NEW contact with : 6296987 Last modified: 2015-07-16 00:29:02, 0 bytes . Definition. E a 4 meter band project. Tangent Quattro Wireless Internet Radio (Walnut) | eBay. R. Z. The amount that you will be paid on your notes on the stated maturity date (March 2, 2017) is based on the performance of an unequally weighted basket (the “Basket”) consisting of the EURO STOXX 50 ® Index (37. QSL info: About me ; Details ; Map ; Spots ; Log ; Statistics ; Propagation to PA5HE Search the callbook directly from Explorer/Firefox search box. Mar 14 2023, 20:12 UTC HamCall™ Query Results: KA8UXR:1995 -> This callsign has never been looked up. Sims2Pack ••Ô &ÄPKA v €p™®êh Ú;p†ÑÀmÅ` à M£€pmi r†Ôq ÆÜ@£€PVî©ÁJŽÑG. It wanted to oscillate very badly due to the layout of the transceiver. Login Required. E a4 meter band project. Download now from developer's website. Hier informatie, tips, hulp en resultaten van omgebouwde 27MHz transceiver met de DDS-VFO. PK -€OT ¿ãW µ title_page. The 0. 8MHz. Voor de Matthe (pd1ajz) wenst iedereen een goede avond . PK }ýTMÞ ½ title_page. 10-1. com. xml ¢ ( Ì–MoÛ0 †ï ö ]‡Xi Ã0Äé¡ÛŽ[ eÀ®ŠD'Bõ ‘i› ?:N¼aMkc©—^ Ø"ß÷!eËœ]=xWÜAF C%. Packet radio Radio collectie Electronica zelfbouw If PA5HE is your callsign and you would like to fill out your profile or update your biography, you can register here and change the data afterwards. The HP-141T Spectrum Analyzer. With the flexible Club Pathé subscriptions you can go to the cinema on all days of the week, in all Pathé cinemas in the Netherlands. Email: Login required to view. to QRZ. Website van PA5HE. D. The programmable divider has a ROM code of 40 channels. Website van PA5HE. ÐÏ à¡± á> þÿ g # # þÿÿÿ # # # # # # # # #!#"###$#%#&#'#(#)#*#+#,#-#. v. Website van PA5HE. Full analysis about hvde. (een schema is. Website van PA5HE. Website van PA5HE. PowerPoint Presentation. Email: Login required to view. Î?~8»[ õLt®ÆÞLëâ›ï«xÆ3¦ ²à¹92‘eÆ´Ù,§~ÁâG6å~8 žø±Ì5Ïu_W9¼ó³+>aóT÷¾?›Ý ɽȽÞes^5ÔØcE‘Š˜isØ_äÉ›Aúr2 1OdÏLÈ@¦üúþ ÇÚó[óólò&¿È. xml ¢ ( ÌÉnÛ0 ¼ è? º ¶,©MÒ"N ]N] $ zeeÚVª… é4þûR’ Ù · ÙÇK Éæ{£!5zž'ðúö9K{O¼”I‘ ¼`0ôz ‹q’OGÞχ/ý+¯' ËÇ,-r>ò z·7¯_]?, —==:—#o¦”øàû2žñŒÉA!x®?™ eÆ”>,§¾`ñ 6å~8 ^øq‘+ž«¾ªbx7ןø„ÍSÕûü¬O7HD>õz ›ïU©F^’Uã«ó~ç •‰3G Þ ¤þ ;KÉS¹“† ‘&1SšAÿ) ï} yå. Hvde. xmlMα  à½OAX LE7CJ›˜¸»øH¯•HïH £o/íÐtü/ÿŸïšî;yö 9:B-ÎÇ. Website van PA5HE. NL top-level domain. Begin: Radiomuseum: Homebrew electronics: Walking: Jota: Holiday pictures: Radiobell Junior 46 Bought at a flea market. `bŒ¡xðã¨&jâuÙ ÂÆýÊî òï RhŒ¢E¡ñBRvæyŸN!ÓÑù›5٠Ĥ½+Ø ï³ œôJ»iÁ ®{§,K(œ Æ;(Ø ; Œ RFÝ. On this PCB are an Arduino Pro mini, a PLL and a DDS placed. ABanc14 3a 6nonoLaga cpegcraaThis causes instability . This was ment for a course for radioamateurs given in Bergen op Zoom. Bekijk meer ideeën over elektrotechniek, elektrische bedrading, amateurradio. %PDF-1. Online Status. Inmelden ronden voor Luisteramateurs kan via E-mail te sturen naar : Matthe [email protected] !J’té“ - [Content_Types]. 02025 / latitude of antenna 1 ALON1 = -80. National Safety Council - Save lives, from the workplace to. More data about this board you can find here This board is unable re receive the L-band. PK !7ðöEû Š$ [Content_Types]. Top Amateur Radio Websites – Issue 2315. nl. Begin: Radiomuseum: Electronica Zelfbouw: Wandelen: Jota: Vakantiephotos: Hobbys. 70MHz 1e keer de soldeerbout aan in 2015 (Soldeerstartion VELLEMAN LF2000 is trouwens in 12sec op temperatuur 100W regelbaar. ov, schwelm,amateurfunker, funker, lizenz, urkunde, transceiver, funkgerät, packet radio, radio, cw, morsen, lizenz, kurzwelle, ukw, rundfunk, hellbeck. 22-dec-2022 - Bekijk het bord "Bouw-cb-Antenne-Henny" van Hoornenborg op Pinterest. , opgenomen artikelen vertolken Uitzending op zaterdagmorgen (behalve in de maanden juli en. Daily Visitors. Alihankkijana huolehdimme puolestasi monista pienistä yksityiskohdista--PA5HE. Modulation. xhtmlUT EÀ bEÀ bux ! !m OSà Åïý ¸÷†PÇÑt’öàŸ« êÁ#%Û ) ¶¦ýöB G ñ´°ûã½ÇÖÛó`Ø'†Ø;Û€(J`h•k{Û5ð¾{Y>Àv³¨ož^ w oÏLÓ`Ò= –žÚØ€&òkÎÇq,ÆÛÂ…Ž‹ªªø930Akô§ý ²oýáÊ®Êòž; !«¢l7 Æê I2¥eˆH œè b0þ3²rÀ :´ $¹L9Kh ë¥m ú†©'ƒ 齉ª_ŠÕ² •¸«ùÔÏ„éí‘ 4 Dº Œ ‘€ÑÅ. Call: Advanced : Call: Pass: or . Website van PA5HE. VERENIGINGSORGAAN van de V. TK5EP.